An abbreviated biography



 Perfection is not attainable,

The Core


  • Name: Lucienne Vakalis

  • Age: 27

  • Gender: Female

  • Species: Veena

  • Sexuality: Bi; 95% male lean

  • Origin: Old Sharlayan

  • Location: Travelling

  • Occupation: ??

  • Status: Single

  A LONE,   well-mannered traveler hailing from  Old Sharlayan.  Rumor has it that she quit just shy of receiving her archon marks, buckling beneath the insufferable notion of eating another morsal of archon bread. It is perhaps for the  same reason  that she left the island with nary a word, plagued by such crimes against humanity even in her dreams.

The Lady's


  • Height: 5'4"

  • Hair: Blue spruce

  • Eyes: Ruby red

  • Complexion: Pale ivory

  • Scars: None

  • Hidden: Seems to possess a fragment of something else mixed into her aether.

There are games you’re not allowed to quit even when you give up... Like life!


  AN AMICABLE LADY,   ever curious with an unwavering sense of optimism in the world. Some would call it naïvety, but those who understand her know it as strength: in choosing to believe in the good despite everything.


  • Bold

  • Reliable

  • Empathetic

  • Adaptable

  • Adventurous


  • Pushy

  • Spoiled

  • Sensitive

  • Self-centered

  • Unclear communication

 but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.

Stats &


  • Health: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Perception: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Strength: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Speed: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Dexterity: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Energy: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Communication: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Persuasian: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Mediation: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Literacy: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Combat: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

  • Wisdom: ⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥⬥

Rules, Boundaries & More

Out of


 Respect is not imposed, nor begged. It is earned and offered.



  • Name: Saibraeus,  Sai 

  • Timezone: PST

  • RP Format: Discord, in-game

  • Contact: DM on Discord, or message me in game (Lucienne Vakalis, Mateus)

  • Note: If you see me at a venue without my RP tag on, I'm just chilling-- most likely there to listen to the performance rather than actively looking to RP. Feel free to send an OOC tell instead.



  • Mature subjects (Psychological etc.)

  • Character development

  • Lore compliant but not overly strict
    (Lore bendy with creativity!)

  • OOC friends to run content with
    (Happy to healer queue!)

  • Dynamic posts
    (I usually multi-para but I don't expect it back. Write as much or as little as you like!)

  • Gpose friends!



  • Multi-shipping

  • Partners under 21 y/o

  • Lack of IC/OOC separation



  • Senseless ERP

  • First or second person RP

  • Refusal to communicate